by Kelly Beins | Feb 6, 2023 | For Clinicians, Sensory Processing Disorder
An effective treatment plan for children with sensory processing challenges, always begins with a thorough and comprehensive assessment. Some significant challenges exist however, in how to define “thorough and comprehensive” and once defined, how to make...
by Kelly Beins | Aug 1, 2022 | For Clinicians, Neurology
You may or may not know that “feelings” are more than emotions; they are neurologically based in sensation. Sensation bridges our physical, mental, and emotional experiences and provides us with the input we need in order to do our everyday activities…no...
by Kelly Beins | Jul 4, 2022 | For Clinicians, Polyvagal Theory, Sensory Processing Disorder
I’ve been fascinated by engagement for many years, and not the married kind. I mean the human neurobiological functional kind. I’ll discuss the hard task of defining engagement shortly. I think my fascination began when shortly after completing my SI...
by Kelly Beins | Jun 9, 2022 | For Clinicians, Polyvagal Theory
I remember the first time I heard the term “co-regulation,” over 6 years ago. I was working with the family of a very lively 4 year old who had tactile sensitivities, extreme seeking behaviors and high high anxiety. Screaming meltdowns, poor sleep as well...
by Kelly Beins | Jan 31, 2022 | For Clinicians, Neurology, Sensory Processing Disorder
If you are an OT practicing sensory integration then you know Hebb’s Law. Hebb’s Law states that “neurons that fire together wire together.” When I first began practicing Sensory Integration (SI) this made so much sense to me; pair the sense...
by Kelly Beins | Dec 22, 2021 | For Clinicians, Polyvagal Theory
What does curiosity have to do with Polyvagal Theory and how does it impact our clinical reasoning? In short, curiosity makes us vulnerable. Vulnerability means reason MIGHT be more difficult or unreachable. In her new and recently released book, “Atlas of the...