by Kelly Beins | Nov 3, 2021 | For Clinicians, Polyvagal Theory
“Is there anything you are doing lately that feels “just right?” This conversation I had with Kim Barthel, who is a world-renowned occupational therapist, speaker, author, instructor, and consultant is something that truly makes me smile! One big...
by Kelly Beins | Mar 24, 2021 | For Clinicians, Polyvagal Theory, Sensory Processing Disorder
Being “brave” looks different to different people and as occupational therapists (OTs) we get the honor of seeing what brave looks like, every single day. I won’t share details of this particular photo now but suffice it to say, this little friend...
by Kelly Beins | Mar 2, 2021 | For Clinicians, Polyvagal Theory, Sensory Processing Disorder
Angie Voss, Occupational Therapist and author of “Understanding Your Child’s Sensory Signals”, provides many resources for parents on creating sensory spaces on her website More Sensory Info. In my previous blog post, “Re-thinking Sensory Diets”, I discussed the need...
by Kelly Beins | Feb 23, 2021 | For Clinicians, Sensory Processing Disorder
My thoughts about sensory diets have shifted gradually over the last many years. My initial “a-ha” moment happened a couple of years ago, when I was working with a 7 year old boy who had been referred to me by the STAR Institute. He had global sensory...